Saturday, July 07, 2007

Tools and nice software for Windows, mostly Vista

Some current favourite tools, utilities and programs I'm using with Windows Vista. Some might be useful for other OSes or older Windows versions too. In general these are small efficient tools. In no particular order:

vista codec pack - thin and slim codec pack, that does just exactly what I want and nothing more and is customizable, easy to install and uninstall correctly.
quicktime alternate -non-bloated quicktime player (the above contained codecs play quicktime too though)

putty, pscp -ssh, scp/sftp clients
winscp -scp/sftp program with a friendly interface
daemon tools -mount disk images as real cd/dvds etc
notepad2 -replace notepad, still quick 'n easy but a lot more powerful
imgburn -burning cd & dvds
powershell -Microsoft's new powerful command shell
7-zip -program for all de-/compression needs
synctoy -an excellent small program that just works and works well. Part of Microsofts powertoy suite and synchronizes files across folders/drives/shares/etc.
jdiskreport -find out what is taking up all that disk space on your drives

azureus -bittorrent client

Live Messenger -actually quite nice, especially when cleaned up with the following program:
a-patch -modifying live messenger, remove ads etc
miranda -slim multi im-client

yod'm 3d -desktop manager, 3D cube spinning to switch.
start++ -improve the Vista built-in search even further, useful!
atimobility modder -driverheaven, fix ati catalyst drivers to run on all notebooks
switcher -exposé or similar for Vista

wireshark -the sniffing tool
nmap -port scanner
backtrack -linux live cd for security stuff

Current start page for web browsing

Organizer client
Private: GMail, Google Calendar
Work: MS Outlook 2007, actually quite nice

I'm too lazy to provide links but they should not be hard to find with google.

Anyone have any tools and utilities tips they would like to share?

Update: Niclas reminded me of synctoy, an excellent small program that just works and works well. Part of Microsofts powertoy suite and synchronizes files across folders/drives/shares/etc.

Update 2 (July 15th): Yesterday I came across another thin and slim codec pack, Vista codec pack, that does exactly what I want and nothing more and is customizable and easy to install and uninstall correctly. It actually played some 1080p hd files better than the friendly CCCP so after some testing I'm definately switching over to this one now. Other minor tweaks to the list as well

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